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Not a Typical Politician


Why are you running for this office?

I am running for District 3 Commissioner in Winter Springs because I love where I live and want to give back to the community in a very tangible way. The city of Winter Springs has been under scrutiny since before I moved here. Topics like wastewater infrastructure failures, concerns over the safety of drinking water in areas of town, road and bridge maintenance, fire hydrant maintenance, ADA inadequacies, irresponsible spending, missed deadlines, etc. have not only tarnished the opinions of those in our neighboring cities but also created division and frustration within our community. It’s time we have a dais that is willing to work with each other, hold all the keepers of the budget accountable, commit to transparency, and open the communication channels between city hall and residents. I believe the 3 seats on the November ballot are key to seeing a positive shift in Winter Springs with fresh talent coming in for our turn. I want to see Winter Springs into a brighter future.


What do you feel makes you qualified? 

In my career of working in brand marketing, I am often faced with a reoccurring problem; a smaller than I ‘need’ budget.   If I had an unlimited budget, or even just a bigger budget, my job would be easier.  But that unlimited budget is a fairy tale scenario; what I have is the budget I am given and no more.  I must make it work. I have 2 tasks at hand; maintain the sales we have AND grow them into more locations and more sales.  Having a budget that is less than desired is the problem of every municipality. They must make tough decisions, sometimes the choices aren’t glamorous or newsworthy.  Accountability to maintain what we have in the city of Winter Springs has been punted to the next guy for too long.  I am willing to dig my heals in and say no to frivolous expenditures and yes to necessary repairs or replacements.  And because I believe that communication solves easily foreseen confusions, the community will know WHY I vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on any proposed project.


Anything else you would like to add.

I used to always say I loved politics. I've wanted to be involved in politics since I was a little kid. But the truth is, I hate politics. Hear me out…

What I do love is policy reform, I love making a difference, I believe in being the good I want to see in the world, I love taking broken things and fixing them, I love putting brains together to find solutions. I hate that in today's world, much of “politics” comes with quid pro quo. Integrity is a virtue I hold dear. I hope that’s the most important thing you take away from this campaign of mine.

I look forward to fighting for you!


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